SPEED Up Selling Your Client’s Home
When someone asks a professional real estate agent, to describe the benefits, to the homeowner, of using the services of a licensed agent, rather than trying to do it himself, or why he should choose you, as his representative, how do you respond, and why? Most will explain the many services they provide, as well as their experience, expertise, skills, assets, and abilties! Among the pledges made, we often hear, discussions about saving clients’ time and energy, obtaining the highest possible, available price, in the shortest possible period of time, with the least amount of hassle, and/ or stress.
6 Steps To More, And Better Real Estate ListingsSince a real estate agent, must sell, and/ or list houses, in order to generate commissions, and make a living, it might be a good idea, to review and examine, some sort of system, to potentially, get more and better listings. This article will, therefore, attempt to, briefly discuss, one approach or system, to achieve these objectives, successfully and consistently. I refer to this process as the RICH IDEAS 6 Steps to More, and Better Listings.
Do You Have A Quality Real Estate Agent’s CHARGE?As a Real Estate Licensed Agent, in the State of New York, for over a decade, I have often thought about, what true and/ or potential clients and customers, seek, desire, need, and prioritize. How can real estate agents know what others desire, and how, they should, and must focus and proceed? With this in mind, this article will briefly examine and review, using the mnemonic approach, how one can determine, more accurately, whether he has the CHARGE, to be a quality, service – focused agent, and best serve, those he represents.
Why Some Real Estate Agents Get Higher Commissions: 6 PossibilitiesHave you ever wondered why, it seems, some real estate agents, often, get a higher commission rate, than others? What factors make a meaningful difference, and why, then, don’t all agents, take advantage of these concepts, methods, and/ or ideas/ focus? While there is no single, iron – clad reason, or set of reasons, for these differences, this article will attempt to, briefly examine and consider, 6 possibilities.
Events Will Make Your Business SoarBusiness building is done in various ways with some failure and success. Building a sales business utilizing events is not only fun but rewarding to you and the people the attend. Events create a stronger database for you that results in a Fan Club of followers by allowing attendees to gain value from being part of what you do for them!
Pros and Cons of Using an Online Estate AgentOver the past few years, we have seen an increase in the number of online estate agents but a key question is whether they pose a real threat to the high street agent. Here we outline some the main pros and cons of using an online estate agent: Online Agent Pros: Cost: Most online agents charge a flat fee which is cheaper than using a high street agent. Fees for online agents can range anywhere from £99 to north of £1000 Convenient: Communications are generally run via call centres which are open evenings and weekends…
What It Means To Be A QUALITY Real Estate AgentWhether you seek to purchase a home, or sell your existing one, you deserve the best possible representation! Therefore, both buyers and sellers, should thoroughly interview potential real estate agents, in order to determine, who might best serve your personal needs! Since, for most people, their home represents, their single, biggest, financial asset, this process, should not be, either, ignored, or taken, for granted!
Don’t Real Estate Clients Deserve The TRUTH?While Realtors agree to live by, and abide with, the Code of Ethics, there is often a big difference, between, merely abiding by, and taking it fully, to – heart! Since real estate agents, only make a living, when/ if they sell (or list, and it sells) a property/ house, far too often, the overwhelming focus, ends up being on selling and sales, unfortunately, at times, at the expense of providing the type of quality service, clients need and deserve! In the vast majority of instances, agents are ethical, caring people, but human nature, often interferes, because selling, may consume…
Do You Have The HEART Of A Quality Real Estate Agent?Nearly everyone knows the theme of the song, You gotta have heart, yet few consider what it represents, in terms of service, selling, personal representation, and what, a quality, professional real estate agent, should stand for, and represent! Obviously, a real estate professional must be trained, licensed, and possess relevant, meaningful experience and expertise, including the ability to market, sell, and negotiate. However, merely possessing these skills and/ or assets, is insufficient!
Why Homeowners Need Real Estate AGENTSThere are numerous considerations, homeowners, considering selling their houses, must evaluate, balance, and decide. This process, perhaps because for most of us, our homes represent our single largest financial asset, is often a somewhat scary, tense, confusing period. How can someone determine, how best to achieve whatever their personal objectives are, which, for most, are to receive the highest possible price, in the shortest period of time, with the minimum amount of stress and/ or hassle?
7 Reasons Your Choice Of Real Estate Is ImportantYou’ve decided it’s time to sell the home, you are living in, or have made the decision, to search for, and purchase, the future home, of your dreams (or needs). Either way, there are many decisions to make, and paths to pursue. You will need to make several essential, important, significant decisions, which may be, amongst the most significant of your lives, to date, because, for most people, their home, is their single, largest financial asset/ possession.