Seek A Real Estate Agent Who Follows Golden Rule
Many polls have been done, in order to measure how a variety of occupations, are considered/ evaluated by the public. It is probably little surprise, politicians have consistently rated quite low. Unfortunately, salespeople, in general, and real estate agents, in particular, have also not fared too well, in the opinion of much of the public.
5 Ways Real Estate Agents Should Tell Homeowners What They Need To HearRobert Frost is famous for many things, but one which is relevant to a real estate agent’s responsibilities, is his line about the choices we make, when we arrive at a particular fork in the road, and determine which path to take. Perhaps unfortunately, human nature is such, that many often opt for the easiest or least – confrontational options and/ or choices/ alternatives, rather than what might be a better solution! Since real estate agents are also human, many suffer from the same set of frailties, insecurities, etc.
Homeowners: Hire A Real Estate Agent You TRUSTIf you’re like most other people, your home is one of, if not, the most valuable asset you possess! When you make the decision to sell it, don’t you deserve to get what most others say they seek: the best available price, in the shortest possible period of time, with a minimum of hassle? One of the first step you should take is locating the real estate agent, who’s best for you!
6 Important Componets Of A Real Estate Listing PresentationHave you ever considered, why certain agents seem to get so many real estate listings? While sometimes, this may be, because of skills, reputation, effectiveness, personality, commitment, results, referrals, etc, haven’t there been certain times, you’ve wondered, why you didn’t get a particular listing, and someone else did? While it serves no purpose to look at this, from a negative perspective, the purpose of this article is not to become more adversarial, etc, but to assure, you provide homeowners (potential clients), with the information, they should receive, to make the best possible, informed decision.
How Real Estate Agents Address Concerns: 5 StepsReal estate professionals, soon come to realize, their profession is an interactive and proactive one, where they are more than mere traffic guards or tour guides, but rather, must help others, make what is often, the most significant financial decision, of their lives. There must be a balance between give – and – take, where the agent neither speaks too often, nor too little. He must be able to comfort, inform, and provide professional expertise, to his customers and clients.
Better Real Estate PRACTICESReal estate professionals face many challenges, and adventures, some positive, and others, less satisfying and/ or productive. Even the best agents have both good and not – so – great days, so this article will review, using the mnemonic approach, some of the best PRACTICES to utilize, to assure your best performance and results, and maintaining satisfied customers and clients. Understand, there is no such thing as a one – size – fits – all approach, but rather every agent must discover his personal strengths and weaknesses, and learn to best use his strengths, while effectively addressing areas of weakness…
Stuck Doing Short Sales? Don’t Short Sale Yourself“It doesn’t matter what I wear as long as I perform my job!” “At this point in my career, I can’t justify spending money on clothes.” “I don’t have the right type of clients to afford nice clothes.
Why Responsible Real Estate Professionals Must NOT Always Agree: 6 KeysWhether one is considering selling his home, or purchasing a house of his own, it is important to be careful, to avoid, merely seeking someone who automatically, consistently, and always agrees with you, even if doing so, might temporarily soothe your ego, make you comfortable, or happy! Seek a real estate professional, who will abide by the basics of my trademarked slogan, I will always tell you what you need to know, NOT just what you want to hear (TM). Perhaps the most important reason to hire a real estate agent, is to get the advice, counsel, expertise, wisdom, and…
5 Priorities Clients Deserve From Their Real Estate AgentWhether you are seeking to sell your home, or a potential buyer, looking for your dream house (and hiring an agent as a Buyer Representative), you deserve, and should expect, several things from the individual you hire. While both buyers and sellers should anticipate the finest service and expertise from their agent, this article will focus upon homeowners, and their relationship with their agents. Agents are bound to certain ethics and principles, both by law, as well as ethical code (for example, Realtors agree to a Code of Ethics), but this article, will attempt to simplify these principles and efforts,…
The Real Estate Listing Presentation: 5 Steps For Handling Questions And ConcernsA wise man once stated, if no one asks any questions or expresses any concerns, it probably means, nobody is listening! Why, then, does it seem, so many real estate professionals, seem to be wary of (or, even, fearful), of receiving any types of challenges, questions, and/ or objections? Once an agent, begins with the attitude that any responses received, are good and positive, and combines that with the combination of good training and techniques, combined with self – confidence, this fact, should become obvious, and, even, fun!
Real Estate Agents: Responding To Emails – 5 StepsOld – time real estate agents, often, fondly recall, the days, when consumers/ buyers learned about available houses, via the newspaper, and, then, if interested, called the listing agent, to schedule a showing. However, in today’s digital world, although newspaper and magazine advertising still exists, it has become an ever – decreasing influence on the overall marketing/ promotion/ advertising of a house. Most potential buyers use the Internet, to begin their search, and research, and rather than calling, will generally either click on some link, or send an email, to request information, etc.